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Administrative Order - New COVID-related Protocols

The following Administrative Order signed by Chief Judge Mudge of the Third Judicial Circuit includes new COVID-related protocols including the wearing of face coverings or masks in the courthouse.

This Order applies to the Courts within the Third Judicial Circuit. The Resident Circuit Judge of Bond County is authorized to issue local orders, rules or protocols, consistent and for the limited purpose of implementing the provisions of this order in that County.
WHEREAS, the Illinois Supreme Court entered Order M.R. 30370 on May 27, 2021 amending certain aspects of its previous orders concerning entry into any courthouse; and,
WHEREAS, the Order provides courts discretion to apply provisions of the Order pertaining to masks or face coverings for the fully vaccinated, and;
WHEREFORE, the undersigned, as Chief Judge of the Third Judicial Circuit, hereby Orders as follows:
Provisions Applicable to all Court Facilities
1. Pursuant to the May 27, 2021 Order of the Illinois Supreme Court in M.R. 30370, individuals, including judges, court staff, parties, attorneys, jurors and witnesses, should not enter any courthouse if they:
a. have new flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, or shortness of breath (excluding such symptoms caused by chronic conditions);
b. currently have been directed to quarantine or isolate at home by any medical provider or public health official; or
c. reside or have regular close contact with a person subject to a quarantine or isolation direction issued by a medical provider or public health official and are not themselves fully vaccinated.
Anyone not allowed entry will be asked to leave his or her name, and contact information with security, so that this information can be passed along to the presiding judge or respective courtroom staff.
2. All individuals, including judges, court staff, parties, attorneys, jurors and witnesses must wear a face covering or mask while within any court facility. This provision does not apply to any individual who is:
a. under the age of 2;
b. incapacitated;
c. having trouble breathing;
d. unable to remove the mask without assistance; or is
e. fully vaccinated.
“Fully vaccinated" means being two weeks past the final vaccine injection.
The Court has the right to inquire as to any person's vaccination status. An attorney's election not to wear a mask is a representation to the Court under Supreme Court Rule that the attorney has been fully vaccinated.
Persons required to speak in the course of a court proceeding may be directed to remove a mask or face covering when speaking
3. Within all court facilities all individuals, including judges, court staff, parties,
attorneys, jurors and witnesses, shall maintain at least six-foot social distancing from others unless fully vaccinated. Court staff shall monitor and enforce compliance with social distancing requirements.
Effective Date. This order is effective June 1, 2021, and may be extended, supplemented or modified. For updates on these and other matters involving the Third Judicial Circuit operations, please visit: court/index.php
The Clerk of the Circuit Court is to notify all parties of record by posting on its website and emailing attorneys and by other appropriate means. This order shall be filed in the Office of the Circuit Clerk of Madison County, Illinois and that said order be made available to the members of the bar and public.

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